The Learning Lab “Digital Technologies” has been initiated by Prof. Dr. Lars Brehm and Prof. Dr. Holger Günzel (both Munich University of Applied Sciences). It teaches digital technology competencies to students – with and without previous IT knowledge.
Other lecturers benefit from the opportunity to integrate a pre-developed and ready-to-use, but also customizable building block into their lectures.
Learning Lab Concept
By following the haptic, collaborative and self-directed learning concept, the students grasp (with hands and mind) and reflect the not directly visible functionalities and architectures of technological devices. The lecturer acts primarily as a coach.
The modular workshop building blocks widen the students’ digital competencies in a playful fashion and lay the foundation for the ensuing course.
The open noncommercial community of lecturers coming from various disciplines focuses the Learning Lab’s constant enhancement and fruitful exchange of experiences.
Currently, the following one day workshops (also called streams) in 5 technology areas are available. The applied digital technologies are specified in brackets:
- App Development (MIT app inventor)
- Digital Business Foundation (WordPress & e-commerce with Lean Startup Approach)
- 360° Virtual Reality Collaborations (360° camera and VR headset)
- Process Management Fundamentals (Signavio, BPMN, Workflow-Management)
- Process Mining & Analytics (Celonis)
- Digital Technologies Essentials (Raspberry Pi, sensors and actuators)
- Home Automation with Internet of Things (Raspberry Pi, sensors, Node-RED, MQTT)
- Learn to Code with Cozmo (Robot Cozmo with Scratch)
- Print Your Own World (CAD and 3D Printing)
- eMobility (Electric motor, Raspberry Pi with sensors and actuators, autonomous driving)
- Exploring Building Materials (Raspberry Pi, sensors, Node-RED, Influx Data Base)
- Go Agile (SCRUM and JIRA/ GitLab)
- DevOps (Python & Web Applications, Git, AWS and automated testing)
- Cloud Computing Infrastructure (AWS & Docker, Kubernetes, Ansible)
- Jump-start into Artificial Intelligence (Machine Learning, Python, DNN, TensorFlow)
- Data Management Foundation (Data Modelling, Low-Code-Development with Oracle APEX)
- Let us Chat (Ideation & Modelling with Botpress Server or

- Humpe, A., Brehm, L., Günzel, H., 2021. Forecasting Air Pollution in Munich: A Comparison of MLR, ANFIS, and SVM:, in: Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence. SCITEPRESS, pp. 500–506.
- Günzel, H., Brehm, L., Humpe, A., 2020. Learning lab “digital technologies” keeps distance, in: Proceedings of the 9th Computer Science Education Research Conference (CSERC). ACM, Virtual Event Netherlands, pp. 1–9.
- Rauscher, Marion; Humpe, Andreas; Brehm, Lars, (2020) “Virtual Reality in Tourism: Is it ‘Real’ Enough?” Academica Turistica 13, 127–138.
- Guenther, Joachim (2020) “Implementation of a hands-on workshop to teach competencies in 3D printing”, in Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education. The Design Society. doi:
- Guenther, Joachim; Brehm, Lars; Guenzel, Holger; Humpe, Andreas (2020) “Teaching 3D Printing Technology Hands-on”, in: 2020 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON). Presented at the 2020 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON), IEEE, Porto, Portugal, pp. 953–957.
- Humpe, Andreas; Brehm, Lars (2020) “Problem-based learning for teaching new technologies”, in: 2020 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON). Presented at the 2020 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON), IEEE, Porto, Portugal, pp. 493–496.
- Brehm, Lars; Günzel, Holger (2020) “Digitale Kompetenzen innovativ vermitteln”, mbl – Münchner Business Lounge, January, pp. 64–69.
- Brehm, Lars; Guenzel, Holger (2019) “Learning Lab „Digital Technologies“ als „Plug & Play“-Lösung für die effektive Vermittlung digitaler Kompetenzen“. Didaktik-Nachrichten, DiZ – Zentrum für Hochschuldidaktik, 2019 Juni, pp. 13–23. (in GERMAN) LINK to PDF:
- “Google Aufbruch: Wie Münchens Hochschulen wegweisende Ideen entwickeln”, 2019. . Google Aufbruch. LINK
- Brehm, Lars; Guenzel, Holger; Hinz, Olav; Humpe, Andreas; Martius, Henrike (2019) “Collaborative Learning with COZMO to Teach Programming in SCRATCH and Python”, in: 2019 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON). Presented at the 2019 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON), IEEE, Dubai, United Arab Emirates, pp. 448–452.
- Brehm, Lars; Günzel, Holger (2019) “Learning Lab “Digital Technologies” als offene Community für Lehrressourcen”, DNH – die neue Hochschule, (59,1), pp. 26–29. (in GERMAN) LINK to online version:
- Brehm, Lars; Slamka, Jessica (2018) “Aufbau digitaler Technologie-Kompetenzen in der Lehre – Anwendung von Virtual Reality innerhalb internationaler Projektkooperationen”, in: Barton, T., Herrmann, F., Meister, V., Müller, C., Seel, C. (Eds.), Angewandte Forschung in der Wirtschaftsinformatik 2018: Tagungsband zur 31. AKWI-Jahrestagung, mana-Buch, Heide, pp. 62–71. (in GERMAN) LINK to PDF:
- Günzel, Holger; Brehm, Lars; Humpe, Andreas; Martius, Henrike (2018) “Be agile with COZMO – Agiles Management mit einem programmierbaren Roboter lernen”, in: Barton, T., Herrmann, F., Meister, V., Müller, C., Seel, C. (Eds.), Angewandte Forschung in der Wirtschaftsinformatik 2018: Tagungsband zur 31. AKWI-Jahrestagung, mana-Buch, Heide, pp. 52–61. (in GERMAN) LINK to PDF:
- Brehm, Lars; Günzel, Holger (2018) “Learning Lab ‘Digital Technologies’ – Concept, Streams and Experiences”, in: 4th International Conference on Higher Education Advances (HEAd’18). Universitat Politècnica de València, València, pp. 1271–1278.
LINK to PDF: - Brehm, Lars; Günzel, Holger (2018) “Lernwerkstatt „Digitale Technologien“ – Konzeption, Ausprägungen und Erfahrungen”, in: Tagungsband zum “Forum der Lehre” an der TH Ingolstadt. DiZ, Ingolstadt, pp. 103–108. (in GERMAN) LINK to PDF:
- Brehm, Lars; Günzel, Holger; Zinn, Sascha (2017) “Lernwerkstatt „Digitale Technologien“ – Konzeption, Erfahrungen und Ausblick”. Published in “Synergie – Fachmagazin für Digitalisierung in der Lehre”. (in GERMAN) LINK to PDF:
Note: As of Autumn 2017 – Main topic is the stream “Digital Technologies Essentials”